SAYFTEE’s monthly giving program


American Civil Liberties Union

“In the years following World War I, America was gripped by the fear that the Communist Revolution that had taken place in Russia would spread to the United States. As is often the case when fear outweighs rational debate, civil liberties paid the price. In November 1919 and January 1920, in what notoriously became known as the “Palmer Raids,” Attorney General Mitchell Palmer began rounding up and deporting so-called radicals. Thousands of people were arrested without warrants and without regard to constitutional protections against unlawful search and seizure. Those arrested were brutally treated and held in horrible conditions.

In the face of these egregious civil liberties abuses, a small group of people decided to take a stand, and thus was born the American Civil Liberties Union.”

About SAYFTEE Cares:

We are living through a pretty historic moment right now, and it’s provoking a range of feelings and reactions for each of us. Here at SAYFTEE, we are keenly attuned to how the ongoing trauma and impact of current events - including (but certainly not limited to) the pandemic, protests, indiscriminate acts of violence against Black individuals & communities, and the political environment - further burdens those among us who are the most targeted by systems of oppression.

With this in mind, we want to remember that power is strengthened through forging connections, fostering collaboration, and tending community. We feel strongly that it is our responsibility to amplify the voices of those who are marginalized, especially those of Black queer and trans folks, and provide them with the support they deserve.

SAYFTEE Cares is our commitment to highlight and support organizations that align with our values of social justice and community throughout the year.  Under the banner of SAYFTEE Cares, we are embarking on a monthly initiative where in we will make a donation to an organization or cause that aligns with SAYFTEE’s overarching mission.


Below is the archive of organizations to which we have donated, since June 2020, as part of our initiative.
Click here to learn more about each organization & find their websites!

Recipient Suggestion Form


What organizations and causes would you like to see us supporting?